SECTION C - LITERATURE   Total18 Marks

5. Attempt ANY FIVE of the six questions given below, within 40 words each.2x5=10

i. A mistaken identity led to a discovery of a new one for the rattrap peddler.

How did this impact him?

ii. As the host of a talk show, introduce Rajkumar Shukla to the audience by

stating any two of his defining qualities.

You may begin your answer like this:

Meet Rajkumar Shukla, the man who played a pivotal role in the Champaran

Movement. He ……

iii. Adrienne Rich chose to express her silent revolt through her poem, Aunt

Jennifer’s Tigers, just as Aunt Jennifer did with her embroidery. Explain.

iv. Rationalize why Keats uses the metaphor ‘an endless fountain of immortal

drink’ in his poem, A Thing of Beauty.

v. How do you think Derry’s mother contributes to his sense of alienation and

isolation? (On the Face of It)

vi. Validate John Updike’s open-ended title, ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy?’.

6. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120-150 words each. 4*2

 i. How does Keats’ poem, A Thing of Beauty appeal richly to the senses, stimulating the

reader’s inner sight as well as the sense of touch and smell? Write your answer in about

120-150 words.


Colin Dexter, the author of Evans Tries an O-level employs the red herring technique

of intentionally misleading readers by placing false clues to keep the plot enigmatic.

Substantiate with reference to text, in about 120-150 words.

iii. Biographies include features of non-fiction texts – factual information and different

text structures such as description, sequence, comparison, cause and effect, or

problem and solution. Examine Indigo in the light of this statement, in about 120-150


Value Points


Q 5. Attempt ANY FIVE of the six questions given below, within 40 words each. (2 marks each) x 5= 10 marks 

 i. A mistaken identity led to a discovery of a new one for the rattrap peddler. How did this impact him?  Value Points Guidance  • Gave him the power to clear his conscience • Brought out his latent goodness The examiner knows about the mistaken identity, hence that requires no elaboration here.   • Lent him conviction to become a better human/ a chance at elevating himself from being a thief • Allowed him the opportunity to behave in a dignified manner befitting that of a Captain The response needs to address how the mistaken identity effected/ influenced him

ii  As the host of a talk show, introduce Rajkumar Shukla to the audience by stating any two of his defining qualities. You may begin your answer like this: Meet Rajkumar Shukla, the man who played a pivotal role in the Champaran Movement. He …… Value Points Guidance  • Determined/ Resolute • Persevering • Dedicated • Any other valid quality   

. iii. Adrienne Rich chose to express her silent revolt through her poem, Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers, just as Aunt Jennifer did with her embroidery.   Explain. 

 Value Points Guidance Adrienne Rich, through her poem, criticizes the traditional institution of marriage, in her times, suggesting that it oppresses women.  Similarly, Aunt Jennifer, a victim of an unhappy marriage, under a domineering husband, chooses embroidery to vent her angst.  Both use their creative outlet as a form of protest against societal expectations. Both the poet’s and Aunt Jennifer’s point of view to be expressed.  

iv. Rationalize why Keats uses the metaphor ‘an endless fountain of immortal drink’ in his poem, A Thing of Beauty.    

 Value Points Guidance • Things of beauty are just like the immortal drink of the gods that flow continuously and never die • Just as the endless fountain of immortality is an elixir of life, similarly things of beauty are constant/ perennial in providing everlasting joy/ motivation/bliss The question requires an answer to how beauty is perennial.   

.  v. How do you think Derry’s mother contributes to his sense of alienation and isolation? (On the Face of It) 

Value Points Guidance • Mother is overprotective and doesn’t understand her son’s longing for companionship. • She treats him with a sense of pity and robs him of his dignity by perpetually treating him like a helpless victim  The question requires inferring how the actions of Derry’s mother led to the development of feelings of alienation and isolation in her son.  The learner would be required to draw upon textual evidence to infer.   

 vi. Validate John Updike’s open-ended title, ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy?’.  

   Value Points The story title is a question that suggests agreeing with Jo, who believes in justice for the skunk, or the father, who believes that mothers cannot err.  Both seem right.   The author leaves it open-ended for the reader to  allow flexibility and creative insight   (any other valid purpose) The question requires an opinion from the learner in favour of leaving the title open-ended (‘validate’) 

 LONG QUESTIONS No. 6 (i-iii) (ANY TWO - 4 marks each)  Content 2                            Expression & Accuracy   2  

 6 (i). How does Keats’ poem, A Thing of Beauty appeal richly to the senses, stimulating the reader’s inner sight as well as the sense of touch and smell? Write your answer in about 120-150 words.  

Value Points Introduction Keats’ descriptions allow for a deeper perception of the imaginary, converting it into a life-like experience stimulating the reader’s inner sight as well as the sense of touch and smell.    Justification (any 2-3) • Keats establishes this with powerful imagery and word play • The cooling comfort of the bower, dancing daffodils in its green environs, the babbling stream and the mid-forest brake with the musk rose blooms evoke our imagination, sense of hearing, touch and smell.  • The stories of mighty and the doom that befalls them appeals to our intellect •

 The endless fountain may be an allusion of the fountain of youth however it has a sublimating effect on the reader. • Keats poetic descriptions presents beauty that appeals to our senses and gives delight.    (Accept associated relevant points) 

 6. (ii). Colin Dexter, the author of Evans Tries an O-level employs the red herring technique of intentionally misleading readers by placing false clues to keep the plot enigmatic. Substantiate with reference to text, in about 120-150 words. 

Value Points Introduction The stage is set - a maximum security prison and a kleptomaniac with a record of breaking out of prison   Analysis (any 3-4) • Evans’ grubby appearance, jovial manner and friendly banter distracts from sharp intelligence and extraordinary talent for deception • The silly but filthy looking bobble hat (a knit beanie with a pom-pom on top) distracts, giving readers the appearance of a comical character  • ‘Number two Handkerchief’ neatly placed on the bed, where’s number one?  • The first mention of Reverend Stuart McLeery exiting his bachelor flat in Broad Street. • Mention of the nail file and then reference to McLeery’s meticulously manicured fingers  • Illusion of Mc Leery having grown thinner and then ‘Mc Leery’ slumped in a chair  • Clues in the question paper, a chase all over town 

 Conclusion Colin Dexter’s Evan’s Tries an O-level – a creative and highly complicated prison break interspersed with twists in the plot.

  6. (iii). Biographies include features of non-fiction texts – factual information and different text structures such as description, sequence, comparison, cause and effect, or problem and solution. Examine Indigo in the light of this statement, in about 120-150 words.

 Value Points Introduction Focus on Indigo being an excerpt of a biography and thus having features of fiction as well as non-fiction texts.  Substantiation to support the point that it includes—  • Factual information (any 2) • Text structures (examples of any 2 different features) ✓ explanation;  ✓ content recorded in order of occurrence;  ✓ points of comparison between people;  ✓ action and impact;  ✓ problem-solution/ conflIct resolution  (The learner is expected to elaborate on both aspects—factual information + text structure)  Conclusion Reiterating that Indigo does include features of a non-fiction text.  


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