Format – 1 

Content -2 

Organisation of ideas -1

 Accuracy 1 

2 A.

 Features: Letter type -Formal reply

  Acknowledge the invitation express gratefulness 

 Express thanks in third person (if someone else is replying for the invited / first person – if the invited is replying themselves) 

 Mention acceptance or regret- (give reason)

 Use formal and polite language Layout usually pertains to the format of a formal letter.  2 B. Features: Card type-formal invite

  a single sentence presentation in third person / end line punctuations skipped

  Use the simple present tense 

 answers the questions who, whom, when, where, what time and for what 

 includes name and address of the organiser /host and name/s of special invitees (if any) 

 No signatures Layout usually pertains to the following-- 

 Name of host /hosts  Formal standard expression-cordial  Purpose of invitation

  Date /time of event  Venue (address) 

 Name of special guest (if any) 

 RSVP  Contact detail/ number 

FORMAT – 1 mark A. Reply to formal invite--- Letter type & B. Formal invite to many ---Card type

 NOTE-full credit if all aspects included. Partial credit (½ mark) if one-two aspects are missing. No credit if more than two aspects are missing.

 CONTENT – 2 marks (As listed in value points) --- ½ mark *4=2 marks 

ORGANISATION OF IDEAS -1 mark 1 mark -- Consistent to frequent display of the listed parameters.  Highly effective style capable of conveying the ideas convincingly with appropriate layout [Reply to formal invite--- Letter type] & [Formal invite to many ---Card type] 

 Carefully structured content with organised information presented cohesively in an aligned manner.  Highly effective register (formal tone, tense, and vocabulary), relevant, lucid and appropriate sentences for conveying the idea/s precisely and effectively.  ½ mark – Limited display of listed parameters.

  Inconsistent style, expression sometimes awkward, layout, barely accurate. 

 Poor sequencing of ideas; often sporadically clear and related to the given topic in an attempt to maintain a general overall cohesion. Displays disjointed portions, exhibiting a lack of coherence of ideas.

  Range of vocabulary is limited but manages to convey, largely, the overall meaning and the purpose of the writing.

 ACCURACY -1 mark 1 mark 

 Spelling, punctuation and grammar consistently/largely accurate, with occasional minor errors, that do not impede communication. ½ mark 

 Spelling, punctuation and grammar display some errors spread across, causing minor impediments to the message communicated. No credit

  Frequent errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar, impeding communication. 

2.A You are Dr. Suchitra Mukherjee. You have received an invitation from the Director, Health Services, Kharagpur, W.B, to preside over a gathering of leading medical practitioners attending a workshop on mental wellness on 09 November, 2023 at 11 a.m. in the Public Hospital, Jammu, J & K. Respond to accept the invitation.

 Value Points  Reference to invitation 

 Acceptance of invitation 

 Confirmation of date, time and venue 

 Comment on looking forward to attending (if at all) 

2.B Draft an invitation in about 50 words, on behalf of your aunt, Meghna Menon, which she has to share to invite prior work colleagues to the inaugural event of her own investment consultancy firm, in the Acer mall, Kozhikode, Kerala. Value Points Refer to Features, listed above. 


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